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  • Writer's pictureKeyan Sedehi, Esq.

A Tenant's Advocate: How a Tenants Attorney in California Fights for Renter's Rights

Updated: Oct 29, 2023

California Tenants rights

Introduction In the bustling state of California, where renters often face steep competition for housing, it's not uncommon for tenants to encounter maintenance issues in their rental properties. When these problems persist and landlords fail to address them promptly, a tenants attorney can be a powerful ally. This blog tells the story of a tenant in California who sought the assistance of such an attorney to resolve their maintenance concerns.

Meet Julia: A California Tenant in Need Julia, a hardworking professional, lived in her California apartment for a few years. She enjoyed her cozy space and the convenient location. However, over time, she began noticing several maintenance issues that impeded her quality of life. These issues included a leaky roof, malfunctioning plumbing, and a non-functioning heating system. The tenant had done her part by promptly informing her landlord of these problems. She sent emails and text messages, took photos and videos, and submitted written requests for repairs, as required by California law. But despite her best efforts, the landlord was slow to respond, if at all.

Frustrations Mount As the months passed, Julia's frustrations grew. The leaky roof had caused water damage to her belongings, and she was concerned about the development of mold. The plumbing problems created frequent inconveniences, and the broken heating system became a major concern as winter approached.

Feeling that her complaints were falling on deaf ears, Julia decided to take a different approach. She began researching her rights as a tenant in California and discovered the potential benefits of working with a tenants attorney.

Seeking Legal Assistance Julia contacted a reputable tenants attorney who specialized in landlord-tenant disputes. During their initial consultation, the attorney listened carefully to Julia's concerns and thoroughly reviewed her documentation of maintenance requests and communication with her landlord.

The attorney explained Julia's rights as a tenant, emphasizing that landlords in California are legally obligated to maintain the habitability of their properties. This includes making necessary repairs in a reasonable time frame, as outlined in the California Civil Code.

Taking Action The tenants attorney immediately took action on Julia's behalf. The tenants attorney first advised the tenant to make a formal housing complaint with their local code enforcement agency to have them inspect the property and issue a formal notice of violation. The notice contained all of the unhabitable violations that Julia had been complaining about for months.

The landlord ignored these notices thinking they were merely warnings that carried no legal weight. What the landlord did not know was that if these violations were ignored, they would carry hefty penalties. These are the strategies that only an experienced tenants attorney would know how to implement.

Due to the landlord’s negligence in failing to make the repairs, the tenants attorney sent a formal demand letter to the landlord, highlighting the specific maintenance issues that should have been repaired months ago and referencing relevant California tenant laws. The letter outlined the emotional distress Julia had suffered while living with the unhabitable conditions and the compensation required to make Julia whole again.

Resolution and Relief With the assistance of the tenants attorney, Julia was able to receive compensation for her damages, including emotional distress and out-of-pocket expenses she had to spend dealing with the unhabitable conditions.

Julia's experience exemplifies the vital role that tenants attorneys play in helping tenants assert their rights and hold landlords accountable for maintaining habitable living conditions. They provide legal expertise, guidance, and a powerful voice when tenants face unresponsive landlords.

Conclusion Julia's story underscores the importance of seeking professional assistance when faced with maintenance issues that landlords neglect to address in a timely manner. Tenants in California should be aware of their rights, document all communication exclusively through text and emails with landlords, take plenty of photos and videos of the unhabitable conditions and consider enlisting the help of a tenants attorney when necessary. With the support of knowledgeable advocates, tenants can ensure that their living conditions meet legal standards and live comfortably and safely in the Golden State.

If you or a loved one is experiencing unhabitable conditions in your property and want to know more about your rights as a California tenant, please get in touch with Sedehi Law by submitting your case on our website or calling us at 949-381-1687.

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